Maersk Spot Products
Currently the Offers API only exposes offers for Spot Products. Spot products differs from regular Maersk products on a number of areas, but an important difference is that for Spot products the price is set at booking and not at estimated time of departure for first vessel (ETD). This is also called PCD@Booking.
Federal Maritime Commission regulation
Offers for routes going out of or into countries or territories under US legislation may be under Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) regulation. FMC regulation requires special handling for Spot offers and will only be possible to book on our own websites. If the spot offer is under FMC regulation the spot offer json will contain a property fmcRegulationApplies
which will have a true
value. This can be used by the consumer to understand if the offer requires FMC handling.
Product Terms and Conditions
The Maersk Spot Product is a two way commitment product featuring competitive pricing with a loading guarantee and restricted flexibility in booking cancellation and amendment.
For more information about the terms and conditions, including commitment for both merchant and carrier as well as relevant fees, please refer to the following links: